Friday, August 22, 2008

126 Sleeps Until Christmas!

It's 12:35am. I went right to sleep but then woke up and had to go "potty". Now I'm wide awake. If it were Friday night I'd be able to wake dad up to keep me company! Actually, if it were Friday night, I'd just be going to bed!

I didn't get a chance to blog yesterday so I'll do it now. I had a great day. Sarah called first thing in the morning. We didn't get to talk long but it was nice to hear her voice. Then I called her back last night. So we had a good visit.

Later in the morning, Clare called. So I got to talk to her, Cheska, and Nathan. I even heard Lolli in the background! Plus we did the webcam thing and Clare sent me some more pictures! I love when that happens!

I managed to get Nathan to at least think about coming home for Christmas. I wish money didn't always have to be such an issue. It's so much cheaper to have them come before Christmas.........but I WANT CHRISTMAS! With all my kids! Sarah and Jon could probably come for Christmas because that's when Jon's leave is. Seth worries that Barb will be to pregnant so doesn't want to risk it.........besides, we'll be there after the birth of their baby. I'm going to work this out! Come hell or high water this is going to work! I hope. Do you guys realize there's only 126 sleeps until Christmas?!!! Wouldn't it be great to all be together this year...........along with Cheska and Lolli!!! Let's make it happen.

I love you all!


McRae Family said...

Holy Moley, that makes me happy that it will be here so soon. That will mean my first semester will be over!! That would be so great to have everyone here for Christmas, I hope it works out

poopie said...

AWWWW I LOVE YOU TOO MOMMY!! That would be really nice to see everyone! I haven't even met Claire let alone my new little nieces!! I love you!