I've been waiting for two days for a comment on my blog....I live for comments! So I got on this morning and found this comment from Sarah (AKA "poopie").
poopie said...
FINALLY!!! Yeah photos are great, but it was getting painful waiting for a new blog from one of you guys!! I miss you!
I can't believe you, Sarah, of all people would write that!! According to my records, you haven't posted in.....
4 weeks!!!
I'm not complaining.......oh, wait, YES I AM COMPLAINING!!! Post a blog every now and again or at least pick up the phone and call!!! Did I mention that I love you too? Well I do.
This blog is also intended for THERESA!! Val...good job with the blogging!
13 years ago
Well, even though this post wasn't intended for me, I'll comment since you live for them. That poopy...that surprises me that she said that. I thought she said she was going to really try to get into this for us. What the...
and what does she mean it was getting painful waiting for a new post from one of us. I've been posting with no comments from her!
i'm sorry i have no life and nothing to post. let me catch you up on my life, woke up went to work, yelled and screamed, came home, ate pooped, bed, repeat.
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